Dandadan is a thrilling manga series that has quickly captivated fans worldwide with its unique blend of supernatural elements and teenage drama. Created by Yukinobu Tatsu, this action-packed series follows the adventures of high school students Momo Ayase and Ken Takakura, also known as Okarun as they encounter bizarre and otherworldly phenomena.
With its stunning artwork, intricate plot, and memorable characters, "Dandadan" has become a must-read for manga enthusiasts.
Dandadan Momo & Okarun Mug
AbyStyleWould you be willing to go on a hunt for the occult and the supernatural just to prove the existence of entities from another world? Momo Ayase is ...
View full detailsDandadan Volume 01
VIZ MediaA nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his h...
View full detailsDandadan Volume 04
VIZ MediaA nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his h...
View full detailsDandadan Volume 06
VIZ MediaA nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his h...
View full detailsDandadan Volume 07
VIZ MediaA nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his h...
View full detailsDandadan Volume 08
VIZ MediaA nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his h...
View full detailsDandadan Volume 09
VIZ MediaA nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his h...
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