Overlord is a critically acclaimed Japanese manga and anime series that has garnered a massive global following. Based on the light novels by Kugane Maruyama, the story centres around Ainz Ooal Gown, formerly known as Momonga, a powerful overlord who becomes trapped in a virtual reality game when its servers shut down.
As the game's NPCs begin to exhibit human-like emotions, Ainz sets out to explore this new reality and establish his dominion. Known for its compelling characters, strategic battles, and intricate world-building, "Overlord" offers a captivating blend of fantasy and adventure. Fans of dark fantasy and immersive storytelling will find "Overlord" to be a must-watch anime and a must-read manga
Overlord BiCute Bunnies Albedo Figure
FuRyuAlbedo is a major supportive character in the anime series, Overlord. Albedo is the overseer of the guardians within the Great Tomb of Nazarick, th...
View full detailsOverlord IV Albedo (Nightwear Ver.) Coreful Figure
TaitoFrom the fourth season of the Overlord anime series comes a new Coreful figure featuring Albedo. The guardian overseer looks amazing in her light a...
View full detailsOverlord IV Albedo (Sakura Kimono Ver.) Coreful Figure
TaitoIntroducing a new Coreful Figure of Albedo from Overlord IV! The succubus is ready for a fun night at a festival in her revealing Sakura Kimono tha...
View full detailsOverlord Pop Up Parade SP Figure Ainz Ooal Gown
Good Smile CompanyFrom the Overlord IV anime comes a new Pop Up Parade SP figure of Ainz Ooal Gown by Good Smile Company. This highly detailed figure displays Ainz a...
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