Tokyo Revengers
Tokyo Revengers" is a popular manga and anime series that has captivated audiences worldwide. Written and illustrated by Ken Wakui, this gripping story follows Takemichi Hanagaki as he travels back in time to save his friends and change the course of his troubled life.
The series expertly blends action, drama, and time travel, making it a must-watch for anime enthusiasts. With its dynamic characters and intense plot twists, "Tokyo Revengers" has quickly become a standout in the shonen genre.
Tokyo Revengers Figure Keisuke Baji
BanprestoKeisuke Baji was the First Division Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang and one of its founding members. Baji has a wild personality. He loves the thri...
View full detailsTokyo Revengers Figure Keisuke Baji Vol. 2
BanprestoKeisuke Baji was the First Division Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang and one of its founding members. Baji has a wild personality. He loves the thri...
View full detailsTokyo Revengers Figure Takemichi Hanagaki
BanprestoFrom the hit manga/anime, Tokyo Revengers. Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old freeter, learns one day that his middle school ex-girlfriend, Hinata T...
View full detailsTokyo Revengers Figure Takemichi Hanagaki Vol. 2
BanprestoFrom the hit manga/anime, Tokyo Revengers. Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old freeter, learns one day that his middle school ex-girlfriend, Hinata T...
View full detailsTokyo Revengers Nendoroid Figure Chifuyu Matsuno
Orange RougeThe vice-leader of the Tokyo Manji Gang joins the Nendoroid series! From the anime series "Tokyo Revengers" comes a Nendoroid of the vice-leader of...
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