Fire Punch
Fire Punch is a gripping manga series created by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the mastermind behind the acclaimed Chainsaw Man.
This dark and intense story follows Agni, a boy with regenerative abilities, in a dystopian world plagued by eternal winter. Consumed by a burning desire for revenge against those who destroyed his village, Agni becomes an unstoppable force of fiery retribution.
Fire Punch captivates readers with its unique blend of action, psychological depth, and moral complexity, making it a must-read for fans of thought-provoking and visually stunning manga.
Fire Punch Volume 01
VIZ MediaIn a frozen dystopia where inhabitants eat flesh to survive, can the destructive powers of fire bring salvation?In the not-too-distant past, the Ic...
View full detailsFire Punch Volume 02
VIZ MediaIn a frozen dystopia where inhabitants eat flesh to survive, can the destructive powers of fire bring salvation? In the not-too-distant past, the I...
View full detailsFire Punch Volume 03
VIZ MediaIn a frozen dystopia where inhabitants eat flesh to survive, can the destructive powers of fire bring salvation? In the not-too-distant past, the I...
View full detailsFire Punch Volume 04
VIZ MediaIn a frozen dystopia where inhabitants eat flesh to survive, can the destructive powers of fire bring salvation? In the not-too-distant past, the I...
View full detailsFire Punch Volume 06
VIZ MediaIn a frozen dystopia where inhabitants eat flesh to survive, can the destructive powers of fire bring salvation? In the not-too-distant past, the I...
View full detailsFire Punch Volume 07
VIZ MediaIn a frozen dystopia where inhabitants eat flesh to survive, can the destructive powers of fire bring salvation? In the not-too-distant past, the I...
View full detailsFire Punch Volume 08
VIZ MediaIn a frozen dystopia where inhabitants eat flesh to survive, can the destructive powers of fire bring salvation? In the not-too-distant past, the I...
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