Dr. Stone
Dr. Stone is a captivating manga and anime series written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi.
The story begins with a mysterious event that petrifies all of humanity, turning them into stone statues. Thousands of years later, genius scientist Senku Ishigami awakens and sets out to rebuild civilization from scratch. Combining elements of science fiction, adventure, and survival, Dr. Stone showcases innovative scientific concepts and thrilling problem-solving.
With its unique premise and engaging characters, Dr. Stone has garnered a massive fanbase and critical acclaim. Dive into Dr. Stone to experience a blend of science and adventure that redefines the genre.
Dr. Stone Volume 01
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 02
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 03
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 04
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 05
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 06
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 07
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mil...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 08
VIZ MediaOne fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many millennia later, Taiju frees himself from the petrification and finds himself surrounded by ...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 09
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mil...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 10
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mil...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 15
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 16
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 18
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mil...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 19
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mil...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 20
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mil...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 21
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 22
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 23
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 24
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 25
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
View full detailsDr. Stone Volume 26
VIZ MediaImagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone... One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many mi...
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