Overlord is a critically acclaimed Japanese manga and anime series that has garnered a massive global following. Based on the light novels by Kugane Maruyama, the story centres around Ainz Ooal Gown, formerly known as Momonga, a powerful overlord who becomes trapped in a virtual reality game when its servers shut down.
As the game's NPCs begin to exhibit human-like emotions, Ainz sets out to explore this new reality and establish his dominion. Known for its compelling characters, strategic battles, and intricate world-building, "Overlord" offers a captivating blend of fantasy and adventure. Fans of dark fantasy and immersive storytelling will find "Overlord" to be a must-watch anime and a must-read manga
Overlord: The Undead King Oh! Volume 07
Yen PressBetween Shizu and Entoma, who’s more deserving of being the elder sister? Can Albedo metagame a way to ride her bicorn mount while still remaining ...
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