Crazy Food Truck
Crazy Food Truck is a thrilling manga series that combines action, adventure, and culinary delights. Created by Rokurou Ogaki, this unique story follows Gordon, an ex-military chef, who navigates a post-apocalyptic world in his food truck.
Alongside Arisa, a mysterious girl with a voracious appetite, Gordon encounters various challenges and adversaries while serving mouth-watering dishes.
Crazy Food Truck Volume 01
VIZ MediaZero customers, a naked young lady, and an armed militia—it’s just another postapocalyptic day for this food truck owner!The owner of a food truck ...
View full detailsCrazy Food Truck Volume 02
VIZ MediaZero customers, a naked young lady, and an armed militia—it’s just another postapocalyptic day for this food truck owner!The owner of a food truck ...
View full detailsCrazy Food Truck Volume 03
VIZ MediaZero customers, a naked young lady, and an armed militia—it’s just another postapocalyptic day for this food truck owner!The owner of a food truck ...
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