Sakamoto Days
Sakamoto Days is a thrilling manga series that has captured the hearts of readers with its unique blend of action, comedy, and heart-warming moments. Created by Yuto Suzuki, this story follows the life of Taro Sakamoto, a former legendary hitman who retires to lead a peaceful life as a convenience store owner. However, his past catches up with him, leading to a series of hilarious and action-packed adventures.
The manga's engaging plot, well-developed characters, and stunning artwork make it a must-read for fans of the genre. Dive into "Sakamoto Days" and experience a perfect mix of humour and high-octane action that keeps readers coming back for more.
Sakamoto Days Volume 01
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 02
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 03
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 04
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 05
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 06
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 07
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 08
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 09
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 10
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 11
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 12
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 13
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
View full detailsSakamoto Days Volume 14
VIZ MediaKill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared hi...
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