The Promised Neverland
The Promised Neverland, the gripping Japanese manga and anime series created by Kaiu Shirai and illustrated by Posuka Demizu, has captivated audiences worldwide with its intense suspense and thought-provoking narrative.
Set in an orphanage seemingly idyllic, the story takes a dark turn when three orphans discover the sinister truth behind their existence. Emma, Norman, and Ray must navigate a treacherous world filled with danger and deception as they strive to uncover the secrets of their confinement and escape their fate.
Renowned for its masterful storytelling, intricate plot twists, and compelling characters, The Promised Neverland has become a standout favourite among fans of psychological thrillers.
The Promised Neverland Poster Pack
GBEyeSet of 2 chibi posters featuring characters from the hit anime, The Promised Neverland! Franchise: The Promised Neverland Laminated paper, with a ...
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