Gundam Universe GN-001 Gundam Exia Action Figure
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Mobile Suit Gundam series, Bandai Tamashii Nations introduces this all new line of action figures in a 6-inch scale.
The Gundam Exia as it appeared in the original "Mobile Suit Gundam OO." In addition to a GN Sword, includes the GN Longblade and Shortblade variants to expand your display possibilities! The huge GN Sword can be displayed stowed away as well.
- Main Body
- Optional pair of hands
- GN Sword
- GN Longblade
- GN Shortblade
- Tamashii Stage Joint
- Franchise: Gundam Universe
- Brand: Bandai Tamashii Nations
- Stands around 6 inches (15 cm)
- Tamashii Gundam Universe Wave 6
- Window Box Packaging